Exchange Rate Calculator


The local currency exchange rate is calculated as a percentage to the US Dollar.
If the currency is listed in the black market, the market rate is calculated as a percentage to the black market rate for the pair.
For Example: Iraqi Dinar to Argentine Peso in the black market.
By dividing the black market rate by the local exchange rate for this pair, the inflation between the pair is indicated.
The official exchange rate is updated every 3 hours.
The black market rate is calculated using site-specific algorithms to track the exchange rate in the black market, and the calculations are made using computer algorithms without any human intervention.
The site is not responsible for the prices or their impact on the user, and the use of the site is the responsibility of the user without any liability on the site.
The price is indicative, and although we make every effort to determine the true price, errors are possible, and the site assumes no responsibility.
Respect the laws and regulations governing this.